
My Topic: 

I believe that everyone is entitled to fair treatment no matter their race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. Equality should be a common goal nationally and globally, but there are still problems with discrimination of others based on the way they look, act, and come from. My main concern for this research was to give a voice to the Native American people. Years ago we used their name and face as mascots for sports teams, and some of the names were used as a sign of respect to the native people, while other mascots of the Native Indian people are false depictions or outdated views of when the British first encountered the New World and these new people. From this research project I plan on advocating the rights for the Native American people in order for there voice to be heard.

Who received my letter:

Councilman Monique Wynn will receive my letter. Wynn is a DC councilman, so her help in changing The Redskins name will help significantly.

Other choices: 

I could have mailed my letter to my old high school. The school I graduated from has the mascot of The Indians. The mascot has been used for many years, and it is time for a change, especially so the Native Americans can be equal with everyone in the United States.

Recommendations for others:

If other people would like to help in changing the name of the Washington D.C. Redskins, then they could e-mail D.C. councilman Monique Wynn at

This project is apart of a class assignment that was completed by other English 151 students. The various different controversies and topics can be viewed at:

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